Theater for the New City will present a lineup of wide-ranging and original theatrical visions embracing drama, poetry, music, and dance in the summer of 2012 from performing artists representing theater and performance companies in our theater complex in downtown New York.
2012 Dream Up Festival features 22 shows
(21 World premieres and 1 US premiere)
 Tickets prices range from $12 to $15. For tickets, more information including venues, visit TNC’s Dream Up Festival website.
- Fat Fat Fatty – Theater – World Premiere
- Folie Pure – Multimedia Theater – US Premiere
- Folly – Theater – World Premiere
- Fast in Fire – Theater – World Premiere
- Giant Killer Slugs – Theater – World Premiere
- Love in the Seventh Kingdom of Wrath – Theater – World Premiere
- Madame Tellier’s Establishment – Physical Theater – World Premiere
- Paradiddle – Theater – World Premiere
- Pornography for the People – Theater – World Premiere
- Talk, Mackerel – Theatre & Music – World Premiere
- The Eden Project – Theater – World Premiere
- The Love Junkies of Hell’s Kitchen – Theater – World Premiere
- Open Up – Theater with movement and music – World Premiere
- The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Brooklyn presents “Missionary in Manhattan†a Mormon Musical – Theater with live music – World Premiere
- Indelible – Spoken Word Solo Performance – World Premiere
- Golden Baby – Sketch Comedy – World Premiere
- The Waiter Project – Theater – World Premiere
- The Shalom Bombay  Show – Storytelling, Theatre and Music – World Premiere
- 50 Things I Love About Frank – Theater (Play) Dramatic Comedy – World Premiere
- A Nasty Tempered Man – Theater – World Premiere
- Coming Home – Dance Theater – World Premiere
- The Standard Upgrade – Theater – World Premiere
TNC’s Dream Up Festival 2012 Performance Schedule
Fat Fat Fatty
95 minutes
Johnson 8/19 8pm, 8/20 9pm, 8/22 6:30pm, 8/26 5pm, 8/27 6:30pm $15
Folie Pure
70 min.
Johnson 8/20 6:30pm, 8/21 6:30pm, 8/24 6:30pm, 8/25 8pm, 8/27 9pm $15
90 min.
Cabaret 8/25 2pm, 8/26 2pm, 8/27 9pm, 8/29 6:30pm, 8/31 9pm $15
Fast in FireÂ
60 minutes running time
Cabaret 9/2 8pm, 9/3 6:30pm, 9/4 9pm, 9/8 8pm, 9/9 2pm $15
Giant Killer SlugsÂ
135 min.
Johnson 8/22 9pm, 8/23 9pm, 8/24pm 9pm, 8/29 9pm, 8/30 9pm, 8/31 9pm, 9/1 8pm, 9/2 8pm $15
Love in the Seventh Kingdom of Wrath
70 minutes
Johnson 8/23 6:30pm, 8/25 5pm, 8/26 8pm, 8/31 6:30pm, 9/1 2pm $12
Madame Tellier’s EstablishmentÂ
55 min
Cabaret 8/19 8pm, 8/21 9pm, 8/22 6:30pm, 8/23 9pm, 8/24 6:30pm $15
90 min
Community  8/26 2pm, 8/27 6:30pm, 8/28 9pm, 8/30 6:30pm, 9/1 8pm $15
Pornography for the PeopleÂ
90 minutes
Community 8/26 8pm, 8/28 6:30pm, 8/30 9pm, 8/31 9pm, 9/2 8pm $15
Talk, MackerelÂ
40 min
Cabaret 9/5 7pm, 9/6 9pm, 9/8 2pm, 9/8 5pm, 9/9 5pm $15
The Eden ProjectÂ
85 min. Schedule
Community 8/24 9pm, 8/25 8pm, 8/26 5pm, 8/29 6:30pm, 9/1 5pm $15
The Love Junkies of Hell’s KitchenÂ
1 hour 22 minutes.
Cabaret 8/23 6:30pm, 8/26 5pm, 8/28 6:30pm, 8/31 6:30pm, 9/2 2pm $12
Open Up
75 minutes
Johnson 8/28 6:30pm, 8/29 6:30pm, 8/30 6:30pm, 9/1 5pm, 9/2 5pm $15
The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Brooklyn presents
“Missionary in Manhattan” a Mormon Musical.
45 min.
Community 8/23 6:30pm, 8/29 9pm, 9/6 9pm, 9/8 5pm, 9/9 5pm $15
55 min.
Cabaret 8/20 9pm, 8/22 9pm, 8/25 5pm, 8/26 8pm, 8/27 6:30pm $15
Golden BabyÂ
1 hour
Cabaret  9/4 6:30pm, 9/5 9pm, 9/6 6:30pm, 9/7 9pm, 9/9 8pm $15
The Waiter Project
Running Time of Show – 120 Minutes
Community 8/19 8pm, 8/20 9pm, 8/21 9pm, 8/22 6:30pm, 8/25 2pm $15
The Shalom Bombay ShowÂ
60 minutes
Cabaret 8/28 9pm, 8/29 9pm, 8/30 6:30pm, 9/1 8pm, 9/2 5pm $15
50 Things I Love About Frank
120 Minutes
Community 9/1 2pm, 9/2 2pm, 9/3 6:30pm, 9/4 6:30pm, 9/5 6:30pm $15
A Nasty Tempered ManÂ
1 hour 35 min
Community 9/2 5pm, 9/6 6:30pm, 9/7 9pm, 9/8 8pm, 9/9 8pm $12
Coming HomeÂ
75 minutes.
Community 8/19 2pm, 8/20 6:30pm, 8/21 6:30pm, 8/23 9pm, 8/25 5pm $15
The Standard Upgrade
95 minutes
Cabaret 8/19 2pm, 8/20 6;30pm, 8/21 6:30pm, 8/24 9pm, 8/25 8pm $12